From February 14th to the 16th, Dental Design’s employees Windsor Nguyen, JoHannah Josoff, Kaylie Ballinger, Asthon DeSantiago, Chey Miller, and Ben Sweeney had the opportunity to attend Dentsply’s Digital Denture course at their facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Dental Designs’ team were given the opportunity to learn with Jimmy Stegall, one of the country’s first and foremost educators on Digital Dentures. At this training, our technicians received valuable insight and several important “tips and tricks” when it comes to denture creation on a digital medium. One thing is for sure, the Digital Denture revolution is here and in full swing. And, through continuing education opportunities like this, Dental Designs continues to be at the forefront of this technology and any other advancement that will inevitably come after.
If you would like to see how Digital Dentures with Dental Designs can revolutionize your practice, please contact Chey Miller.
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